Sacred Heart College provides a learning program for all students that is engaging, challenging and enjoyable.

What is myLearning Journey?

“Ultimately, the best learners will have the most choice in life.” (Anderson, 2019, p20)

myLearning Journey includes subject selection and provides your child with the agency to design a learning program for their next year and beyond, building on their passions, capabilities and strengths.

At Sacred Heart College, we recognise that every ​student's learning journey will be different.

This is why we provide students with diverse learning ​opportunities that enable them to design a personalised ​learning program based on their learner readiness. ​These learning opportunities are aligned to two stages: ​breadth and depth. Each stage has core requirements ​and opportunities for choice.

How are students and families supported?

The College has designed a process and developed resources that will guide students through the necessary steps to choose their subjects.

This myLearning Journey portal including subject opportunities has been designed to empower students and their families to make well-researched and informed decisions when designing their learning program.

Sacred Heart College works with our students to honour each student’s potential and to develop highly capable learners who can self motivate, self manage, self modify and self monitor. Choosing a school program is a very important part of each student's journey at Sacred Heart, as they take steps towards the life they will live. Families can also help by discussing the options together and exploring how different choices may help to shape their future.

A student’s journey through The McAuley Years (Years 7 to 9) follows in the tradition of Catherine McAuley. Just as she imagined, laboured and persevered to establish the foundations of Mercy; so do our students work to secure the foundational skills and knowledge they need to become effective learners.

They do this by progressing through Levels MYP1 to MYP3 of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IBMYP), culminating in the Community Project (at MYP3) as a capstone learning experience. During the McAuley Years, students explore the full range of disciplines and develop the skills to make connections across their subjects.

Students then journey through The Maguire Years (Years 10 to 12). Following in the tradition of Mother Xavier Maguire who courageously traversed unpredictable seas to a faraway and unknown place; our students take their foundational skills and knowledge and set off on the next stage of their learning journey.

Students are equipped to challenge themselves and pursue a learning program which honours their individual potential. A combination of subjects across curriculum frameworks provides increased opportunities for specialisation.

These include the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP), the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), the VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM), Vocational Education and Training (VET) and School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT).

*In order to maximise choice, SHC and SJC work in partnership to offer the full range of VCE subjects. Those subjects offered exclusively at SJC are indicated at the top of the subject description.

Important Dates 2024

Thursday 30 May 2024

Student Information Session during Wellbeing time

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Careers Expo in the Atrium - 2-5pm

MLJ Family Information Evening - 5.30pm

Monday 22 July - Friday 2 August 2024

Subject Selections Portal login details emailed to all students to enter ​their selections

*Please note that this date has been moved forward to allow more time for students to enter their subject ​selections - the final date for submission has not changed.

Monday 5 August 2024

Final Subject Selections Submissions Deadline

Students will receive a username and password to access the 'Select ​My Subjects' system. Any login questions can be directed to your ​Mentor Group teacher.

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Year 8 Planner

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Year 9 Planner

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Year 10 Applied IB

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Year 10 MYP+

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Year 11 Planner

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Year 12 Planner

Journey Planners

Students from each year level have a myLearning Journey Planner (interactive PDF form) which assists in planning subject selections from the options available. If you are in Year 7 going into Year 8, you would use the Year 8 planner.

Each planner details the prerequisites for that year level and once completed can help a student in their discussions with staff, family, peers and/or mentors to review their choices and ensure they are selecting the correct subjects for them.

The first page of the Journey planner lists the choices available in each subject area. Where the subject is compulsory, the different subject options are listed and a student just needs to tick the box for the selection they would like to make. Choices where subjects aren’t listed are free choice and they can select a semester course that aligns with their interests.

In Year 7, students' only elective is the language they will study. This choice is confirmed during the enrolment offer acceptance process.

In the first year of a student's learning journey at Sacred Heart, their learning program will include a broad range of subjects that allows them a chance to experience all learning disciplines while also creating strong social connection with their new school. Year 7 classes are for Year 7 students only, with several opportunities across the weekly timetable for Mentor Group time.

Years 8-12 Subjects

The Arts

Year 8 Visual Art and Music (MYP2)

Year 8 Visual Art and Dance (MYP2)

Year 8 Visual Art and Theatre (MYP2)

Year 9/10 Elective MYP3 Theatre (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective MYP3 Music (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective MYP3 Dance (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective Visual Arts - Studio Art (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective Media:Television & Podcasting (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective MYP4 Theatre (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Elective MYP4 Music (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Elective MYP4 Dance (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Elective Digital Art (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Elective Visual Art (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Elective Visual Communication (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Elective Media: Film & Photography (MYP4)

VCE Art Making and Exhibiting (formerly Studio Arts)

VCE Art Creative Practice

VCE Dance

VCE Media

VCE Music Performance

VCE Theatre Studies

VCE Visual Communication and Design


VCE VET Music Performance

Design, Creativity, Technology

Year 8 Product Design - Textiles (MYP2)

Year 8 Food (MYP2)

Year 8 Digital Technology (MYP2)

Year 8/9/10 Elective Digital Design (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective Funky Foods (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective Reality Foods (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective Fashion Design (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective Product Design - 3D Construction (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective Systems Engineering (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective Digital Technology (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Elective Foods for Health (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Elective Fashion Design and Innovation (MYP4)

VCE Applied Computing and Software Development

VCE Food Studies

VCE Product Design and Technology

VCE Systems Engineering

VCE VET Building and Construction (Carpentry)

VCE VET Furniture Making


Year 8 Core Health (MYP2)

Year 9 Personal Development/ MYP Project (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective Sports Injury Management (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective Child Development (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Elective My Health, My World (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Active Plus (MYP4)

VCE Health and Human Development

VCE VET Allied Health

Physical and Outdoor Education

Year 8 Core PE (MYP2)

Year 9 Core PE (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Elective Outdoor Education (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Game On Transdisciplinary Unit (MYP4)

Year 10 PE Option Core PE (MYP4)

Year 10 PE Option PA40+ (MYP4)

VCE Physical Education

VCE VET Sport and Recreation

VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies


Year 8 Humanities (MYP2)

Year 9/10 Money Makers (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Metropolis (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Time Traveller (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Around the World (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Peacemakers and Problem Solvers (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Rights and Freedom (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Market Wizards (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Catch a Killer (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Dangerous Ideas Transdisciplinary Unit (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Counter Culture Transdisciplinary Unit (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Personal Project Transdisciplinary Unit (MYP4)

VCE Accounting

VCE Politics

VCE Business Management

VCE Economics

VCE Geography

VCE Global Politics

VCE History - Empires

VCE History - Modern

VCE History - Revolutions

VCE History - Ancient History

VCE Legal Studies

VCE Philosophy


Year 8 Core Science (MYP2)

Year 9 Core Science (MYP3)

Year 9/10 Psychology (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Environmental Science (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Chemistry (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Biology (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Physics (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Forensics - CSI (MYP4)

Year 9/10 Sports Science (MYP4)

John Monash School

VCE Biology

VCE Chemistry

VCE Environmental Science

VCE Physics

VCE Psychology

See Science Pathways guidance guidance at the end of page

Applied IB

About Year 10 Applied IB

Future of our Planet - Semester 1

Positive Life Learning - Semester 2


What are School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT)?

Click above to view SBAT benefits and resources

Assessment and Reporting


Canvas is an online Learning Management System that forms an integral ​part of student learning at Sacred Heart College. Canvas is used for all ​subjects and it allows easy access to course materials, provides ​information about assessment requirements, allows uploading of ​completed time-stamped work and provides up-to-date feedback for ​students and parents on learning progress and results.

Click here to learn more about CANVAS.

Student Progress Communication

An SPC communication will be sent once per term and is designed to ​provide families with a snapshot of their child's development during this ​period. The purpose of the Student Progress Communication is to assist ​families to determine whether or not to make contact with your child's ​teachers.

Ongoing feedback regarding your child's progress can be obtained via ​the 'See what is happening in class' link on Compass under the star icon. ​You will also find teachers' email addresses and the College calendar ​here. To view an example, please click here.

Statement of Attainment

The Statement of Attainment (SOA) is the report you will receive at the end of each semester. As the students in Years 7 - 10 participate in the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program the assessment of their work is based on the IB MYP objectives.

The Statement of Attainment grades the students level of achievement based on a set criteria - further detailed information on how these levels are determined can be found by clicking here.

Parent Communication Afternoons

Parent Communication Afternoons are scheduled three times per term in place of traditional Parent Teacher Interviews. The dates and times for the Parent Communication Afternoons are made available via the Principal's weekly update email.

Families can contact the teacher(s) you would like to meet with and arrange a time during the allocated window. You can arrange a face-to-face meeting or a telephone discussion.

Inclusion and Diversity

The Inclusion and Diversity team aims to support, empower and enable students to learn within inclusive learning environments. The team caters to the diversity of students' learning and abilities through a range of supports to promote learning independence.

The Inclusion and Diversity team works collaboratively with the internal Student Support Services team alongside external professionals and services, whilst fostering partnerships with families to establish supportive networks. Collectively with health professionals necessary adjustments are considered to support and engage students in their learning.

The Inclusion and Diversity team meets regularly with families through Program Support Group meetings. Learning plans and strategies to build capacity and cater to the individual needs of the students are shared. Adjustments to the program are considered to enable each student to access their learning and to work independently towards targeted learning goals.

The Inclusion and Diversity team supports teachers to differentiate and personalise learning to allow all students to engage in the curriculum. Initiatives are strategically developed for the implementation of targeted learning programs. The team oversees the delivery of learning programs for students with English as an Additional Language/Dialect, New Arrivals and Refugees, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders (ATSI) and Out of Home Care students.

What is the IBMYP?

International Baccalaureate - Middle Years Program

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

So where does our content come from? The VC (Victorian Curriculum) like other Victorian schools.

IB MYP students become capable learners and critical thinkers:

  • By studying English language so they can communicate ideas
  • By studying a second language so they can appreciate and communicate with other cultures
  • By studying Maths, Science and Humanities so they learn about how the world works
  • By studying Arts, Design and Technology so they learn how to be a creative and adaptive thinker to solve the future’s problems!
  • By studying Health and PE so they know how to live a healthy life and understand themselves; and
  • By learning skills and concepts they can use to learn anything!

The IB MYP is skills and concept and inquiry focused – it is not a rigid prescription of a list of content. It is a holistic framework that provides us with pedagogy (teacher speak – the method and practise of teaching) and tools for assessment of achievement scales.

Other things you might notice:

  • Subjects with a focus on developing international mindedness are important (for example languages).
  • The IB focuses on skills for capable learners
  • Interdisciplinary and real world learning is explicitly delivered - you may hear your daughter use the acronym 'IDU'.
  • The IB focuses on assessment for learning rather than assessment of learning so you may hear your daughter refer to formative and summative assessment
  • The IB is inquiry based - every unit of MYP study is framed by a Statement of Inquiry and inquiry questions linked to a global context.

For further information about the IB MYP click here.

Possibilities and Pathways

How can the Pathways and Possibilities team assist?

  • Apprenticeships Information
  • Résumé Writing Skills
  • Cadetships and Traineeships
  • SATs
  • Career Expos and Open Days
  • Scholarship Opportunities
  • Careers Testing - Morrisby Profile
  • Subject Selection Counselling
  • GAP Year Opportunities
  • TAFE Courses and Programs
  • Individual Interviews and Interview Skills
  • Tertiary Application Process - Interstate
  • Overseas Exchange Programs and International Study
  • University Courses and Programs
  • University Extension Studies
  • VCAA Information
  • VET in Schools
  • VTAC Process
  • Part-time and Casual Job Opportunities

Click here to find out more

How to know what is right?

The Learner Readiness Checklist is a tool designed to assist students in recognising their learning styles and strengths. This checklist has been designed as a self-reflection tool, asking a student to review the way they learn and their study skills/habits before they go further into the subject selection process.

At SHC, students are able to select subjects based on their readiness, not necessarily their year level, so it is important for them to understand if this is the correct path for them prior to reviewing the many different subjects offered.

Students can complete the Learner Readiness Checklist as part of their preparation for the subject selection process. Students can access the Checklist via the Hub - click your photo in the right corner and your profile details will come up, the Learner Readiness Checklist will be a menu option across the top.





These coloured symbols indicate the MYP level.

The symbols appear on the Journey Planner as well as on every subject description in the MLJ portal - they are a quick visual reminder for students. We find that students can use these to quickly identify the subject level.

If they are going into Year 9 and would like to select a subject that is an MYP4 (primarily Year 10) level it reminds them to think about their learner readiness and consider if they are prepared for the additional challenge they may be presented with when completing MYP4 requirements.

MYP Level 1 - Year 7

Breadth and Connect; our students experience a full range of subjects from all disciples - new experiences, new friends, connecting to the SHC community.

It’s the beginning of the journey as an IB learner, allowing the opportunity to develop their thinking across the full spectrum at the start of their journey to becoming a global citizen in the Mercy tradition.

At MYP level 1 - common foundation knowledge and skills are established as our students arrive from a variety of feeder schools.

In Year 7, students' only elective is the language they will study. This choice is confirmed during the enrolment offer acceptance process.

In the first year of a student's learning journey at Sacred Heart, their learning program will include a broad range of subjects that allows them a chance to experience all learning disciplines while also creating strong social connection with their new school. Year 7 classes are for Year 7 students only, with several opportunities across the weekly timetable for Mentor Group time.

House Mentor Groups

In 2022, Sacred Heart implemented a full vertical house structure from Years 7 to 12 which enabled us to support our students better – academically, pastorally and spiritually – building on the strong House spirit we have here at the College. A full vertical house structure aligns more closely with our learning model, please read more.

MYP Level 2 - Year 8

Breadth and stretch; students continue to learn and develop their thinking across a full range of learning areas. In addition we introduce them to the latest brain science to help them understand and take agency for their own learning. Stretch is included at Year 8 in our Wednesday afternoon program where students select areas of interest to complete project based units that may be transdisciplinary.

MYP Level 2 culminates with a term-long interdisciplinary unit which stretches students to transfer their learning from multiple disciplines (including Humanities, Science, DCT, the Arts and Mathematics) to understand and problem solve for a contemporary issue eg Big Australia – population growth and the resultant questions around maintaining standard of living, resourcing and environmental protection.

Learning Readiness Scale

The process of choosing the right course is a personal one. Students are encouraged to be responsible and realistic when they use this freedom to choose. They are advised to select subjects that tap into their aspirations and interests, where they can utilise their enthusiasm and strengths to achieve their potential

and become self-motivated, life-long learners.

MYP Level 3 - Year 9

Breadth and Prospect; some students may be ready to start prospecting - looking further afield in specialised areas of study. They have the option to access MYP Level 4 studies, or to continue to study at Level 3, and to choose their entry level for Mathematics and English. Students celebrate the connections they have made through Year 9 camp.

The end of the breadth years is capped with the Community Project in semester 2 of this stage. The IB Community Project is a showcase of the ATL (learning) skills gained from MYP Levels 1-3 and asks the students to look outwards as young Mercy women - to take action or speak out for those in our community or other communities for whom our students can make a difference.

Year 9 students continue to have choices in their program planning. Students must undertake the following as part of their program in Year 9.

Compulsory for semester one and semester two:

  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Languages
  • Physical Education

Compulsory for one semester:

Personal Development

  • MYP Project


  • Students must complete a minimum of one unit of The Arts over their Year 9 / 10 program.
  • Students must complete a minimum of one unit of Design, Creativity and Technology over their Year 9 / 10 program.
  • Students must complete a minimum of two units of Humanities over their Year 9 / 10 program. (one of which is compulsory in Year 9)

MYP Level 4 - Year 10

For students in Year 10, the first year of the Maguire Years, there are two learning pathways. These pathways provide students with the opportunity to capitalise on and embed their foundational knowledge and skills and explore unique opportunities for deeper learning. These experiences will further develop students who value learning and pursue challenges.

For our students, the knowledge and skills they acquire through this intentionally-designed stage of their learning journey, will prepare them for the next stage and the rigours of VCE, VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM), VET and SBAT studies; and on into further lifelong learning beyond Sacred Heart.

Year 10 Applied IB Pathway

At Year 10 students have the opportunity to select the Applied IB Pathway. Students in this pathway co-design their learning over 8 periods in the week that will cover their Humanities and Science requirements. This pathway is available by choice or by recommendation.

Compulsory for semester one and semester two:

  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Education (Core P.E. or PA40+)


  • Students must complete a minimum of one unit of The Arts over their Year 9 / 10 program.
  • Students must complete a minimum of one unit of Design, Creativity and Technology over their Year 9 / 10 program.

How can families help?

Read our guides on 'How to choose the best MYP Level':

  • Review course requirements and information on this portal.

  • Read the relevant Journey Planner together to identify ​which units are compulsory and how many elective choices ​are available

  • Encourage your daughter to seek advice from her ​teachers.

The process of choosing the right course is a personal one. Students are encouraged to be responsible and realistic when they use this freedom to choose.

They are advised to select subjects that tap into their aspirations and interests, where they can utilise their enthusiasm and strengths to achieve to their potential and become self-motivated, life-long learners.